Making Of

MAKING OF: ‘Political Earth’ Short Film

Political Earth is an animated satirical mockumentary that explores the behavior of our world’s “political animals” in the style of a BBC nature documentary. The short film was created by Scooter Downey, and exactly one year ago today, we began the epic journey to bring this film to life faster than any animation project we’ve ever worked on.


MAKING OF: ‘Neighborhood Watchmen’ Intro

Neighborhood Watchmen is a hilarious mockumentary style web-series that’s set in an office environment. It centers around the conflicts that arise for a local superhero team when they’re NOT fighting crime. We were asked to produce the intro for this series, and it was by far one of the coolest projects that we’ve had the chance to work on in 2013.

Making Neighborhood Watchmen


MAKING OF: SkateHub Commercial

The SkateHub commercial was a very fun and interesting project to work on, but at the same time, it was incredibly challenging. With a very short turnaround time and no idea how we were going to pull off half of the ideas in mind, we had to work fast and smart.



MAKING OF: Twelve A.M.

The idea of Twelve A.M. originally came to us in the early part of October 2008. We wanted to do a holiday-themed project, and since Halloween was right around the corner, we decided to focus our attentions there and come up with something spooky.

The idea didn’t work out too well, as we were unfortunately unable to give it the proper attention and demand that it needed. Halloween quickly came and went, and we had made little to no progress within that time, so we decided to scrap the project. Little did we know that his project would ‘haunt’ us for the next year, constantly regaining our attention until we decided to finish what we started.



MAKING OF: Antwon Spinach Intro

Shortly after finishing the latest 2nd Avenue episode, we were asked to assist in bringing to life a cartoon series called Antwon Spinach. Specifically, we were asked to design the main cast of characters and produce a 45 second intro.
